Welcome back to my blog , Thank you for consistently reading.

I love this weeks discussion so much.

You know how people ask you for maybe gum and you say you don't have and the next thing that comes out from their mouth is "you're a lady now, you're supposed to have all these things",  and in your mind you're like 'from just asking me for gum i'm supposed to have these things' .
What things ???
Well I have formed a habit of doing your assignment , I have done it again and i'll take you through the essentials you should have in your purse.
Having invested in your bag collection as we spoke earlier about , what do we need to put inside the bags? I mean we can't just carry empty bags right? what are the essentials we need in our bags.

1. Safety pin/thread and needle :You know those times your skirt zip can just rip off or your button keeps opening or the space between your two buttons seems too wide and its revealing your cleavage, well safety pins and needle and thread are your emergency go-to guys.

2. Hand sanitizers : Please we all know this is necessary germs everywhere!!!  we live and breathe around them , we cant be washing our hands all the time just a tiny drop can fight some of those germs .

3. Perfume : Ladies, having a small bottle of perfume in our bags cannot be over emphasized , even better now we can get perfume oils that are portable and can be kept in our bags. You know the spots to put perfume right? Your wrists and rub together, your elbow curve , behind your ears and the side of your ankles. Yes o! You must "smell nice " 🀣

4. Debit card/emergency cash sometimes a cashless policy can do you well, but at the same time let us have at least cash of N2000-N5000 in our bags for emergency. Emergencies such as car break down , being jilted by an angry guy after lunch or dinner(i'm being open minded , don't judge me ) , atm isn't dispensing and some other weird and silly but important things.  Anything can happen we need to stay prepared as ladies.

5. Red lipsticks/lip gloss- it so important to have this. Why red? you might ask , well for one thing it confuses the guys (so i heard ) it gives a pop that's another good reason and it makes your teeth look whiter !! best reason. Whatever your complexion red lipstick is a go-to, but if you still don't trust the power in red, try out lip gloss you can never go wrong with that. Just so you don't walk around with a dry lip , there is this glow lip gloss gives, even to a natural face. This isn't a beauty blog but it makes your lips look beautiful.

6. Mints/gum-  If it's just for your sanity please carry this around to help others and yourself at the same time. Get rid of bad breath after a long day or in the middle of the day. Its not that you didn't take care of your teeth well, you did. But closing your mouth for long like when you are sleeping can cause bad breath also this is why we brush in the morning. we also need mint to get rid of certain smell from food like fish, garlic etc.

7. Bobby pins/ribbons - Though bobby pins always disappear some how, we still need them in this heat especially if you have long hair on, i'll advice short hair but even this sun can't stop our   long hair slay because we are hotter .

8. Hair brush/comb - Lets take an instance. I'm going for an outing and i rest my head on the sit and it puffs up by the time i get to my destination, instead of me using my hand to comb my hair ,I rather  an actual comb or  a brush to my rescue. Brushes and combs vary with types of hair or weaves worn.

9. Phone charger/Power bank - Another instance you know how you go for a party and you are taking pictures, putting up videos and all of that. Time to go home, 2% battery, no charger , no Samsung S10 to charge your phone 🀣. no power bank . Worse could happen emergencies and all of that.
Always keep your phone alive and always have airtime to call its very important.

10. Tissue- Spilled tea, spilled food , catarrh etc. tissue is used for so much this is why it is important to have it with you always.

I remember last year when i was teaching my finishing school ladies,( shout out to ruberyln finishing school Queens ).
 We treated this topic and it was a lot of controversy , how will we put all these in our bags and all of that.
Look at these items they are all small and can fit into a small purse which you can put in your bag or you can create a space for it in your bag.

Thank you for reading


  1. Thoughtful!

    Thanks... I know what to put in Bae's purse.

    P.S A list like this for men would be handsomely received..😊

  2. I feel so good, that I already do most of these things😁😁
    Can I get more information about the finishing school?

    1. yes onize ! send me a private message i hope you see this



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