When you hear investment first thing that comes to your mind is what? Putting money to get more money back at a certain percentage right ? True I totally agree, but do you know you can invest in much more than just money.
Walk through this blog with me, let me take you through more ways of investment .

OK! so I will be telling you what I have invested in and what i plan to invest in and i believe you should invest in them as well.

My first investment;
I found that I love something and I went for it , I don't like the regular big bag. I hardly carry them really, just one or two for work. But those weird bags, I love ! I mean I stun you with  my dressing for starters and then  i serve you the main dish with  my  weird bags and you're like oh wow! that's unique.
Your choice may not be weird bags, it could be Ankara bags or those big bags or just basic clutches, all in all my point is we need bags.

 house bag
 my lipstick bag
my perfume bag
 and my radio bag

WEIRD!!! right but its what i love and i invested my money in it ,with an aim to look good no matter how many times i wear each of  them they will always be stunning.

Another thing to invest money in is CLOTHES , lately i learnt a style for organizing clothes , its called "kon-mari" when you are trying to organize your clothes you ask yourself , "does this spark joy"  it might seem funny, but most of us have clothes that don't spark joy anymore, we need to give them away , get new and beautiful clothes. I know a great fashion designer that can help, check out her  IG: @ruberyln that's a cheat sheet for you , now you have to pay me🤣 lol, just kidding. Check out her page and website to get good and affordable clothes.
Never forget in the words of Coco Chanel "if you dress shabbily you will always be remembered for the clothes but if you dress beautifully,you the individual will be remembered" .

Something new to invest in is  UNDER WEAR, yes darlings it is very necessary.  Does your under wear spark joy ? Why not get matching undies. Did you know the average french woman wears matching undies? if this is your preference like me , i think matching underwear is really sexy i encourage you to invest in them.You wont regret it.

I will not forget about HAIR PRODUCTS for both natural and permed hair- Ok so aside from the fact that i like to take time out and take care of my hair and rub products in it to feel the texture become so soft, i also care for the growth and strength of my hair and hair products are needed for styling , washing e.t.c. i can recommend mega growth, bae hair care as well, tested and trusted.

some other things you can invest in
BODY PRODUCTS/BODY OILS - this is very important and even more important to some people, our bodies need to be taken care of  because it is a temple and for this i can recommend bath and body works , that's the only product i can use and it works marvelously for me , i have oily skin so creaming could cause lots of sweating, but not with bath and body works and it has so many flavored scents.

PERFUMES - if you read my previous blog you will see how important fragrances are. No 1 reason to have them is to avoid an ugly smell and no 2 is to always leave a lasting impression about yourself, let people say "that lady/girl/woman always smells so good. I know you've heard dont care what people say about you , honey!! in this case please care . Of course you can never go wrong with Chanel, it is Chanel 🤣🤣, but you don't have to buy Chanel, there are lots of amazing fragrances out there. that should be carried about to freshen up, I will write more of this on my next blog.

There is a saying that you can tell so much about a person by just looking at their shoes. I totally agree, no matter your kind of person, when i say kind of person we have people who would rock  stilettos over boots or sneakers and vice versa and some people are ok with flat shoes and sandals really no stress. We all need good shoes no matter our kind of person as ladies we need to always make a good impression about ourselves . Let's keep this in mind. I for one has started investing in shoes

I don't know which is number one on your list of investments , i know someone who says to me looking good is serious business. This is very true, the best thing is to take it all one step at a time you have a whole life to figure this out, don't rush , don't stress yourself . I will still put up a blog of wardrobe essentials as a guide and what every woman should have in her purse.

A WORD OF CAUTION  TO THIS TALE : No one is saying finish all your money in one place, but according to which is of top priority  to you put some of these investments in your monthly budget, could be one per month, or two and you can still save  for other things and spend on other things.
i tell my students in my finishing (etiquette school), "Make a conscious effort to look good all the time" 

If you have more suggestions on what to invest in please let me know in the comment section below , i hope you had a nice time reading .

if you can guess where A WORD OF CAUTION  TO THIS TALE was said, you have a gift from me

Hint: cartoon



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